In recent broadcasts, the utter, doddering dolts of #IgnorantFukStix (aka Faux Nooz) have been eager to deflect attention away from the stench of racism which pervades the events in Ferguson, MO.
They have therefore resurrected the "race hustler" canard and tried to smear Rev. Al Sharpton.
In yer ol' Perfesser's humble opinion, unlike Sean Hannity, Falaffel Bill-o, Roger Ailes, The Rupe and the rest at #IgnorantFukStix, Sharpton actually is a member of an oppressed minority and speaks with some authority on such matters.
He has actual, lived experience with the easy, confident racism of supremacist whites.
He has EARNED to right to comment and be critical about the vicious, ever-present racism of Whites in Murka.
He gets shit from mainly cracker/redneck/asswhole whites who are made (even unconsciously) uncomfortable by their complicity in the perpetuation of white supremacism.
He is NOT a "race hustler"; he's the despised conscience of the witless, blind, but nevertheless culpable White Majority.