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The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
"The condition in which a person who suffers illness or disability seems unaware of or denies the existence of his or her illness/disability; may include unawareness of quite dramatic impairments, such as blindness or paralysis." Or Fucktard/wackloon GOPhuxism.
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I really hoped McGovern was going to say "You're not a journalist, you're a spokesperson. You're a talking head. You'll say whatever rolls up on that teleprompter without questioning its veracity. That's your job and you do it well, but just because you're on the TV doesn't mean you're a journalist."
I really hoped McGovern was going to say "You're not a journalist, you're a spokesperson. You're a talking head. You'll say whatever rolls up on that teleprompter without questioning its veracity. That's your job and you do it well, but just because you're on the TV doesn't mean you're a journalist."
Were Lyndon Johnson, say, pushing DADT repeal (or "the public option," for that matter), he'd have invited every Senator over to the WhiteHouse for lunch. The following colloquy might have ensued:I think what the folks who complained that BHO wasn't "experienced" enough for the job had something like this in mind, cuz on his BEST day, you cannot imagine the grinning, meliorating, negotiating, give-away artist having the STONES to lay down the law."Y'know, son, WE have the majority.I'd guess they'd have eked it out...
"You represent the good citizens of the State of (...), who'd like their bridges to remain safe to drive on, their farmers to be subsidised, their water to keep flowing, their airports and airlines still in service, their state's businesses the beneficiary of military contracts, and like that, I am sure you'd agree?
"I am equally certain they'd also like to be sure that, next time they vote for a Senator, they aren't voting for someone who fucks pigs and eats small, cute puppies.
"Senator, I'm the president of all the people, and I naturally care about your constituents too, and appreciate your desire to do well by them. I really do, and I'd like to help and your constituents, too continue to enjoy the benefits of Federal beneficence.
"So, now, let us come and reason together...And don't fucking forget who I am, you fucking asshole.
Thus, "thePrez" has already faithfully demonstrated he neither will, nor even particularly wants to, upset any hegemonic applecarts or otherwise in any way disturb the Owners in their well-earned rest...
And to ignore or deny this quite evident set of facts is a text-book example of "Anosognosia."