- close Gitmo,
- end the three, bankrupting wars,
- introduce a FEDERAL jobs agenda,
- rein in and prosecute the banksters,
- prosecute the war-criminal Busheviks,
- close Goldman Sucks,
- and/or otherwise act to support the interests of the People.
CERTIFIED: The Release of the Birth Certificate dominated the discourse on Zuckerberg's Folly (and just about everywhere else) and occluded just about everything else on Wednesday, of course. My first response was "Dr. Woody doesn't get it. How is this ANYTHING but a victory for the Birthers? They forced St. Barry to fold (never THAT difficult thing to do). They NEVER cared about the goddam thing--well, mebbe some of the dullards and trogs did--the actual birth certificate. It was a power thing, and St. Barry folded like the fucking empty suit he is. He gains NOTHING from this! They'll just intensify the "muslim" thing." The "Muslim thing," the trope by which the racist bagger/birthers denigrate O'Bama's "stranger" quality, avoiding calling him a "Ni--er," but making the necessary point, was finally made 'public' by Cokie Roberts over-night (see accompanying story, below).
There appears to be a small, but potentially growing possibility that "the Donald's crazy" might, could, maybe actually induce a complete fracturing of the GOPhux, a real schism between the fucknozzle, racist, birther bunch to whom Trump appeals, and the other, not-batshit-crazy, corpoRat jackals and hyenas. So, making 'the Donald' look powerful, letting him pose and posture for THAT part of the GOPhucktard demographic base, and solidifying their support wouldn't be a strategic mistake--for the Dims.
"The Donald" is, it seems to me, the most "legitimate" of ANY of the candidates plying the murky and toxic waters of bitter birther-and-baggerism. Of that bunch--Palin, Bachmann, Gingrich, Huckabee, the four Whores-men--really, only Palin has even an approximation of the kind of name recognition factor "the Donald" possesses. Then there's his fortune--which is the one reason I'd foresee for his NOT officially announcing: because he'd be dinned unendingly to reveal the workings of his financial connections through his tax records, and he'd be resistant to that, one imagines.
The ONLY thing I see of potentially a strategic advantage is that by making 'the Donald' seem influential, and granting 'cred' to the birthers and the baggers, this further exacerbates a possible schism in the ranks of the GOPhux, between the rabid wacktards and the run-of-the-mill CorpoRat jackals and hyenas, which schism actually affects the politics of the election by splitting the GOPhux significantly, at the polls. A 'third party' on the Right, however, seems unlikely, to me.
Also, there is a potential down-side: that by making 'the Donald' look like he forced O'Bama to concede, the GOPhux ALL rally around him, and avoid the schism. Trump could get the nomination and, the way McCain did, suffer because the party didn't really WANT to win.
"The Donald" does have a problem with officially anouncing, because as soon as he does, there are gonna be demands that he release his tax records, and one suspects he'd be VERY reluctant to do that.
Of course, it's pretty much all speculation at this point. I don't think the Dims are that clever, but maybe they don't have to be, discursive formations being what they are. I don't think the GOPhux want the presidency this time, very much, (any more than in 2008) because of they'd rather not have to explain or answer for, or even be associated distantly with, the residues of the clusterfux they inflicted on us between 1980 and 2008.
The Owners'd prefer it that a Dim--especially a Black Dim--was in the WhiteHouse when China's economy officially surpasses that of the USofA (estimated: circa 2015-17), thereby signalling the exact moment of the decline of the "Murkin IM-pahr." Imperial decline and domestic chaos--unemployment, stagflation, poverty, starvation homelessness--may then be blamed in perpetuity on the "(Blank)-loving Democrats."
EXCEPTIONS: Is This What Makes America Exceptional?
"American Exceptionalism" is the national version of the delusional phenomenon of individual privilege that Molly Ivins recognized in the Chimperor Bush: Born on Third Base, claiming he'd legged out a triple. It's the current version of "Manifest Destiny," only without all the OBVIOUS bellicose racism. These five graphs provide a persuasive definition for "American Exceptionalism."
We "Americans" are who we "are" purely by accident of birth. We did NOTHING to "deserve" the well-springs of plenty which geology, biology and tectonics provided us. "We" are the luckiest fuckers in history, and obstinately, stupidly refuse to acknowledge it, instead attributing our blind "Birth Lotto" good fuuking luck to the beneficences of some distant, absent "God." Chuy jodido!~
NAMES: Zuckerberg's Follies were jumping Wednesday AM with the news that NPR/ABC (Exxon/Mobil) distaff pundit Cokie Roberts mildly suggested that the reason the rightards/wackloons/fucknozzles are calling St. Barry a "Muslim" is that it lets them pretend they DON'T object to his being (semi) Black.
The ooool' Semiotician interprets: They call him a "Muslim," because the Right has not rolled "political correctness" far back enough, yet, for them to call him a "niqqer," and get it on teevee--though they are working on it. Cokie's a "Looseyana" gal. She knows. The "Muslim" thing is just a surrogate for the peckerwoods back in the piney woods burning a cross and standing around, drinking cheap hooch and shouting "Burn, Niqqer, burn, niqqer, burn niqqer." (Cf: Jena, La.)