The unique feature ot the original (as opposed to a casserole, for example) is that it is totally portable: the little bag in which the individual-sized portions of Fritos comes serves as the bowl. You just slice the bag open vertically, along one edge, then ladle in the chile (meat, red chile, and beans), sauce, and onions, then cover with grated cheddar cheese. Even the STRONGEST constitutions have suffered gaseous distress within a few minutes of consuming one. NOM! The Woolworth's is gone, but the "Frito Pie" is still sold on the site of the old store.
Speaking of culinary inventions, reviews of the new "Atlas Shrugged" movie confirm that Ayn Rand's contributions to philosophy, literature, politics, and now cinema are of exactly the same importance as the contribution of coprophagy to cuisine and nutrition.
Paid "Trools": There have been reports circulating of folks on 'social media' such as FaceBook and Twitter who are "paid" disrupters/provocateurs whose purpose/job it is to "pirate" threads and recruit potential sympathizers. The following conversation occurred the other morning on Facebook, between a 'friend' of mine and someone who identified themselves as "Fla Politics":
Ursula Bxxxxxx:As I said, I'd heard of this, but this was the first concrete example I've encountered.
I couldn't change my drivers license without my birth certificate but I could buy a gun and walk out of the store using a fishing license as ID... there is something sooooo wrong with that.
Ursula Bxxxxxx:I couldn't change my address on my drivers license without my birth certificate. I meant to say that ha ha ha
Woody Wiqiliques Konopak I'm of the "Second Amendment confers the right for you to maintain a fire-arm...under the supervision of the sergeant at arms of the local armory...you can go vist and fondle it after work, if you wanna. It's yours, you just cannot take it home...Well-regulated militias, etc...
Fla Politics : yeah, I know a guy who becasme President without one either - there IS something so wrong with that , you are so right! :)))
Ursula Bxxxxxx: That isn't my status, no namer. It wasn't political. Why do you always have to make something into a political argument?
Fla Politics: I am not, just agreeing with you and how wrong that is
Ursula Bxxxxxx: I've had my fla drivers license 20 years so why should I have to prove I'm a citizen to change my address?
Woody Wiqiliques Konopak: Ursula, its what the koch-sucker/trool gets paid to do. Disregard.
Fla Politics: apparently it is post 9/11 rules -- tougher on all of us --
Fla Politics: Woody - please, we are having a legit, civil conversation...
Ursula Bxxxxxx: I refuse. They can take my license but they can't take my car.
Fla Politics: lol i hear ya!
Ursula Bxxxxxx: Don't you find that absolutely ridiculous?
Fla Politics: : which is oen reason i find the gtovt so baffling - you ahve that issue, but an illegal can get in and do all sorts of things - even vote in some states!?!?!?!? how nuts is that??!?!? and you have to deal with the bs you went thru? wtf with is with this country - especially DMV!
Woody Wiqiliques Konopak: Ursula, pay attention. You're being recruted by a Teabagger. You see how it works? Exploiting some petty annoyance, and then turning it to their desired end: TACTIC: First, gaining your trust by agreeing, then subtly turning what you believe into what they want you to agree with: "fear of/antipathy toward the dirty aliens."
Al Franken has taken on another publicity-rich "challenge" (the only kind he seems to enjoy): Apple "apps," one of which, apparently, tracks and stores the user's location according to GPS co-ordinates. Sen. Franken has sent billionaire Jobs a stern letter:
Why did Apple choose to initiate tracking this data in its iOS 4 operating system?.One wonders why Apple would surreptitiously implant code/bugs which recorded/stored the customers' GPS locations, if NOT because 1) they were either induced or instructed to do so by the NatSecState, or 2) they anticipated that such a function would be useful to folks in the NatSecState, and wanted to be ahead of the curve.
Why were Apple consumers never affirmatively informed of the collection and retention of their location data in this manner? Why did Apple not seek affirmative consent before doing so?
Does Apple believe this conduct is permissible under the terms of its privacy policy?
Because about the only thing such a device provides retroactively is "evidence": "Well, LaShawn, you say you were home all night, but your cell-phone says you're lying! Now lemme see yer hands and assume the position!"
If you're not aware already of Glen Ford's sparklingly critical "Black Agenda Report," here's a chance to become acquainted: Obama’s Depraved Indifference.

Ford has been an acerbic O'Bama critic--or, rather, a critic of the obsequious Obamanauts--from the start, unlike other black intellectuals like Cornell West, "Skip" Gates and other notables. From the jump, Ford has known that, despite the implicature of his racial morphology, Shamwow was NOT a "Black" American; would not, and could not, act in defense of blacks and other oppressed minorities in the US, because as soon as he did so, the Rightards/Wackloons would immediately mount a chorus claiming "ThePrez" had "reverted" to "his people," and that he couldn't govern "all" the people (meaning the White folks) cuz his sympathies were with the "negroes."
Ford, with very few others (y'r ob'd't s'v't among them), realized that, even if he actually WANTED to do so (always a problematic assumption for someone so deeply and irredeemably bathed in the holy waters of CorpoRat largesse), ThePrez wouldn't be ABLE, politically, to provide actual assistance to the populations who saw in him the possibility of a powerful public advocate for their causes.
(Image expertly foto-shopped by Forest Taber, Searsport, ME)
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