The Meaning of "Woke"
11 months ago
"The condition in which a person who suffers illness or disability seems unaware of or denies the existence of his or her illness/disability; may include unawareness of quite dramatic impairments, such as blindness or paralysis." Or Fucktard/wackloon GOPhuxism.
We've STILL got 4 or 5 (or 6 or 7, depending on how you count 'em) wars draining the treasury.
We've STILL got (unofficially) 15-20% unemployment (The "official" number is about half that; but the official copunt is flawed by SO many factors asa to make it laughable when reported witha strraight face...)
We've STILL got nearly 50 MILLION people, and 20 MILLION kids, in poverty, and CUTS promised to their meager benefits. The average wage, inflation adjusted is STILL about what it was in 1980. Median income is around 42 THOUSAND, but for the lowest NINETY percent it's a full TEN thousand dollars per year the "median." "OFFICIAL POVERTY LEVEL IS $22, 400 FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR).
We've STILL got Goldman-Sachs running the treasury and the Fed. (Geithner, the Bernank, Daly, and close to 100 other close, financial advisors and officials, owe their loyalty to Wall Street, NOT Pennsylvania Ave or "Main Street.)
We've STILL got millions who cannot get medical insurance. Remember the 44 THOUSAND people it was said died every year for lack of adequate insurance? They're STILL dying.)
We've STILL got NO "green" energy policy. (He ran off the ONLY credible "green" advocate he even brought into Gummint, Van Jones. And clean energy plans are invisible).
We've STILL got no--or at least a sorely diminished--4th Amendment. (Where, o, where has our "habeas corpus" gone?)
We've STILL got more and more GMOs entering the food supply. (And Big Ag--Monsanto, ConAgra, Cargill, Koch Industries--alumni and alumna pervade the US Ag Dept.)
We've STILL got The PATRIOT ACT. (Remember when he said he'd "revisit" it once elected? He did, to strengthen the fucker.)
We've STILL got Cunt-Hair Clancy on the SCROTUS. With a black president and AG, this is the only arrangement by which the DoJ could investigate and indict him WITHOUT bringingf out the cahrges of another "High-trech lynching".)
We've STILL got an out-of-control medical system. Costs are rising faster than inflation, wages, and the GDP combined.)
We've STILL got no national industrial policy except out-sourcing and off-shoring. (He's signing or signed off on FTAs with Korea, Colombia, and Panama this year.)
The t-bagger contingent is QUITE content if their standards of living are diminished a little as long as, in in consequence, and along with it, the situations of the people they despise as their inferiors--mainly 'coloreds'--are affected even WORSE than they are.
"The fix is in:An' dat's jus' how de cookie crumble, hippies...See ya at tha beach!
"The deal is down;
"The game is cooked;
"The dice are loaded;
"The wheels are rigged;
"The decks are all marked,
Shaved, and stacked, and
"The dealers cheat,
"That's just how it is.
"If it bothers you, tough!
"It's what's on the menu!
"Eat it, or starve.
"The House don't care.
"So just shut up and deal.
"The chefs,
To express their disdain,
For the bosses and the clientele,
ALWAYS spit,
In the souffle…"
---Woody, 2011
1) How close to the election it was, andShamwow's a TOTAL "pragmatist."He'll do what he thinks will get him the "results" he's after.
2) How close they wanted us to think the 'election' was gonna be.
True, the trouble with homework isn't limited to quantity: it can be counterproductive even in limited amounts. But a lot of it can be damaging even if we approve of the assignments themselves.Homework serves one very important function, though one NEVER expressly explained by its advocates. It inures children--gets them used to, in their very bones--being called upon--required--to take "work" home with them without complaint, and without additional reward/remuneration.
We also dispute the suggestion that the only important issue is whether homework advances "learning."
First, the research cited concerns how many facts students can memorize, a matter less consequential to anyone with more ambitious intellectual goals, like helping students think deeply and enjoy doing so. (Homework seems to be the single most effective way to destroy children's curiosity.)
Second, this research doesn't support homework, per se. The critical question is whether children must be made to work a second shift after spending a full day at school. The available data say no, particularly with younger students. So do the many anecdotal reports we've collected of teachers and entire schools that have eliminated homework, with very encouraging results.
Finally, tweaking assignments to maximize the number of facts retained ignores homework's effect on children’s social, physical, artistic and psychological development. We worry about not only the other activities that homework displaces but also the exhaustion and family conflict that it often causes...
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power...Thought control needn't be exercised by restricting individual expression, when one exercises editorial discretion over the vocabulary, literal and imaginal/figural, in which the common business is conducted.
Thus, "thePrez" has already faithfully demonstrated he neither will, nor even particularly wants to, upset any hegemonic applecarts or otherwise in any way disturb the Owners in their well-earned rest...
And to ignore or deny this quite evident set of facts is a text-book example of "Anosognosia."