A rightly worried correspondent, noting all the work that needs to be done here in the USofA which is NOT getting done just on the faltering PUBLIC infrastructures: bridges, water systems, utilities, schools, etc--to say NOTHING about the moribund private sector--wondered why more money--investment, jobs, equipment, materials--wasn't going into those projects.
That answer is hard to hear, but I believe it sure as a snakebite: The CorpoRats look at the USofA nd they see a 'has-been." They've extracted all the low-hanging fruit, shipped the jobs and factories overseas, polluted the air and water PAST repairing, gotten a monopoly on the remaining resources, and do not now see ANY reason to RE-INVEST in the carcass.
The unacknowledged truth, like a serpent in the corner, is that they don't need "us" anymore. The USer consumer was basically tossed under the bus by the Raygunistas, the Fed and Beeg Binness in about 1983, when they colluded to subsitute "easy credit" for real wage gains for workers' increased productivity--make 'em borrow, not 'buy"--and plough the difference into executive compensation and profits to raise share prices to justify the pay raises for the Owners. (The "american citizen" had perished, ingnominously, in the late '50s).
It was already clear to 'em, 30 years ago that this golden goose was slowly expiring, and the last eggs were--if not in sight--in prospect. (If this saga seems to parallel the current energy "crisis," it's not a coincidence. All this stuff has been known and discussed since the mid-'70s.) In this period, they're just amortizing investments, here; they're not making any new ones.
Now they're abandoning the USofA. Too expensive! Spoiled workers. Unions. Newspapers. Nothing but trouble. They're building huge new markets for their branded shit all over the rest of the world.

So the short answer is: like a '95 Saab with a blown AC compressor and a bad head gasket, we're not worth fixing, for what the repairs would cost.
And the ratfuckers are walking away from the country like an old, dilapidated Walmart building that's too expensive to insure or repair, when the "new" SuperStore opens by the Interstate. Let the fucker burn if it's gonna. No skin...
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